Advantages of Machine Learning
Machine learning is a field of Artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to work. Machine Learning is a concept of that a computer program can learn and adapt to new data new things without human intervention. Machine Learning is able to build predictions around the data it identifies and it is […]
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Today’s technology is growing very fast and we are leading with these different new technologies day by day. This artificial intelligence is one of the fascinating and universal fields of computer science that has the greatest scope in the future. And it tends to cause a machine to work as a […]
How to use Facebook for your Business
Ever thought of using facebook for your business? There are millions of people having their own accounts on facebook. And if you are able to bring their attention to your business, then this will make wonders in your business. Benefits of using Facebook in business: Availability of data: Yes! It […]
The Application of A.I in various Domains
A lot of us are paranoid about the fact that how A.I. is practically impacting our daily lives including our professional environments. Everyday we are using different applications that are A.I driven, for example : what is the first thing you do in the morning ? you unlock your phone, […]
What would an Economist think of A.I?
Have you ever wondered about how A.I. resonates with all the Economists around the world ? I mean what a simple term any economist would use for understanding the term Artificial Intelligence ! Umm, I am sure they would call it as GPT – General Purpose Technology which means it seems […]
What is the theory behind Predicting machines?
Artificial Intelligence is no longer an alien topic for anyone these days and why would it be if it’s kinda intriguing and most importantly it is in the Economic Market right now, Isn’t it? Let’s not state the obvious fact here because we are in the age of innovation and machines […]