AMP stands for accelerated mobile pages. AMP is an open program of google for helping pages to load faster. For example, when you go for any search queries, and in search result you see small icon in side having a simple of thunder lightening or see text like AMP near a website, when you click on it will click faster than other sites. It is called AMP pages. AMP is developed by google in response to Facebook instant articles. It is developed for the entire web. But there is another criticism raised that it is an attempt of google to dictate how the web pages are developed. Even though they face criticism in the initial stage, more websites are using this with the aim to load pages faster & making user friendly. It is in the format of the HTML version which is simple, not using certain tags. You also need to use the CSS version. Most CSS versions can be used but some are not used because it is not good practice. They are not allowed in AMP to be used. Google also rolled out this free hosted cached platform. AMP, helps your site mobile friendly so that it removes all parts that take time to load. When you make your website AMP enable, it hosts your website domain. It generally takes your website domain with a link to AMP in the HTML tag of your webpage. AMP is easy to read with a clean interface. It will enhance user experience. Improve user experience through creating rules on restriction on ads & user interface design. Limiting CSS to 755 kb, limiting JavaScript to 150 kb, make it prioritize the display content to current user action. In another way, it also helps to improve in SEO also. Another important thing in AMP, it will reduce bounce rate that users can view only on a single page. Even you have no need of Site map