Rising demand of AI post covid

The covid -19 pandemic came up with complex challenges for the world like regular office jobs turning into work from home. It created a demand for new skills that a business needs to have- to get adapted to the new-normal – t technological advancement of industries. When we talk about technological -advancements, how can we forget artificial intelligence and machine learning which are the need of the hour and post covid the demand for them has increased even more.

The covid -19 changed the concept of business: now, companies are focussing more on improving customer experience, preventing frauds and, focussing on their employees well- being, which is not possible without data. To handle this large quantity of data, the skillsets of AI and ML have become even more important than earlier.

AI helps in reducing project timelines and makes a business efficient and productive. It would not snatch away the job roles but will automate routine tasks so that workers or employees can get rid of the burden of too much work and focus on cognitive tasks, which would be human-driven.

There has been an increasing demand for AI in the business world and a lack of talent for the same, which has made AI jobs highly lucrative and well paying. According to reports, people with AI skills will have ample opportunities to excel in their careers. As humans would be the ones managing these AI-based procedures at work.

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