How to improve Conversion using Retargeting?

Retargeting is also known as remarketing, it reminds our website visitors of our product and
services after they leave our website even without buying our stuff. After visiting specific pages on our website, it allows us to retarget them and show the relevant visual or text ads to the visitors even when they visit other websites. Only 2% of the website is able to convert web traffic on the first visit. By retargeting, companies are able to reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away.
Segmenting audience: Different visitors have different goals and interests. All the needs and
wants of the customer can’t fit into one size. Retargeting the particular person for the particular product could be more effective.
Optimize ads: Having the crisp headline will be the half satisfaction of the customer
expectation. Eye catching images will create attention among the potential customers. An ads with the photos of people will get a curiosity to the customers.
Set frequency cap: Showing an ads 100 times a day will not create attention. By setting a
frequency cap we can control how many times an ad appears to the same person. By running A/B tests we can find the optimal number for our campaigns. It will help to reduce our campaign costs and increase conversions.
Use burn pixel: Retargeting the wrong audience is the waste of time. To prevent this, we
have to insert a code snippet that should be placed on the post transaction page to remove the users who complete the purchase.
Retargeting can boost our return on investment, creates brand awareness and drives the
conversion. The most important thing in retargeting is to segment the audience, establishing the right content and encourage customers to return to our site.

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