5 Steps to Identify for your Strategy

Finding right keywords is the most important step in SEO. Make sure that you
need to identify the most suitable keywords that match your content by
keyword research. The chances of ranking are higher when you use the right
keywords in your content. So let us see how to identify keywords.
Step1: Make a list of topics
Based on your brand, create a list of topics related to your brand that users
search. Eg: Perfumes for ladies, Watches for men, Nike shoes
Step2: Fill those selected business topics with keywords
Next step after identifying topics with keywords. These keywords are more
important in ranking. Identify the keywords that fall into those topics.
Keywords that users search for.
Step3: Research related search items
If you are finding difficulties in getting keywords that people use while
searching about a particular topic, you can use google.com and refer to the
results. You will have some suggestions from Google, take a look at it. So that you will get more ideas for other keywords to consider.
Step 4: See how competitors are ranking for those keywords.
Identify which are the keywords that your competitors are using. It's not
necessary that what your competitors follow, you also should follow. But there is a chance of getting ranked if your competitors are ranking for specific
keywords, identify those keywords and work on it.
Step5: Use Google Adwords keyword planner to cut down your keyword list.
There are many tools available for keyword planners. Use such tools to identify right keywords for SEO strategy and narrow down your list. Some of best tools to check popularity of keywords are:

Keyword research is bit time consuming but it can provide a long run in your

SEO strategy. SEO is not just picking keywords and filling in content. You must
also have relevant conten.

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